12 Seasons: Honoring Light Workshop
”I Am the Light of the world “ - Jesus said and his Light paved a Way as has the prophets and sages who walked in and shared their Light with us as a way to get through the dark tunnel of the world.
As we enter the longest days of light in the year, come honor this seasonal phenomenon by honoring Light through learning the sun salutations of yoga and stay hydrated by learning to make a light Light summer drink.
We will have opportunities for breaks, journaling and sharing what it is we wish to bring to the Light in this session.

12 Seasons: Water is Life Workshop
Water is Life Workshop
In this workshop we will focus on the role of nourishing by way of exploring the importance of water.
We will each bring the pot we planted a seed in last month (and if you don’t have one, we will provide a baby plant). We will look at what the plant represents for the kind of changes you wish to make in your life.
We will engage in exercises/rituals around water to support the growth of your seed and life-seed. We will learn how to: raise the frequency of your water and in turn soil and soul; how poor water can be harmful, to make sure to help your water help and not hurt you, the importance of water in traditional cultures, and how to honor water so it honors you.

"Innerversity" Communiversity: Virtual Village Session 1
Self-definition is the sweet nexus where the soul meets its role. Soul can be described as the matrix of essences that makes us each unique and essentially who we are. Role is the capacity in which we serve the cosmic puzzle: our communities, our cities, our countries, our world. Knowing who and what we are and what we’re here and not here for is to be truly self-defined. To support humanity in this pivotal plight is a living blueprint, The Black Unicorn Adult Journal of Passions: Creative Writing Prompts for Self-Definition Healing. We enliven the purpose of this guided journal by making a classroom of our interiorities, where we each become our own teacher and student, and each one teaches one. The prompts are portals into clear-eyed dialogues within the self that desire to be heard and understood by us. We will use the present moment as our medicine, and dare to bring all of ourselves to this brave, co-creative container. Be prepared to move (if you are able), write, share, listen, relate, support, breathe, and reflect.

12 Seasons: Planting Seeds Workshop
As the soil defrosts, and we enter the season of the bull - longer warmer days, we are in a good period to sow seeds. Now that we’ve gone through a spring cleaning from our last workshop, in this one we will consider what it is we want to plant in our lives. Things that can help us grow more into our Truer, fuller selves. This can range from habits for physical health like waking up earlier, drinking more water, eating less, to habits to grow your spirit, like taking time to pray, or be in nature, or read scripture, or fast, etc. We will look for how these habits can show up symbolically in plants. We will sow the seeds for these plants that represent our habits in little cartons that we can then take home. We will consider how to nourish these seeds so they grow into healthy plants that we can one day harvest from.

12 Seasons: Spring Cleaning Edition
We are at the beginning of the zodiac season - March 21st to April 20th - this marks the beginning of spring.
Many cultures celebrate the new year in the spring. Many start with something called a spring cleaning. This is also the lunar month of Ramadan. Through fasting, Ramadan is a time to go inward, cleanse the body, mind, and spirit, so you can be greater in your offering to your community and the world.
In this workshop we will engage in a spring cleaning practice/plan, and then break fast together at sun down.

The Imaging Project Luncheon
What is a “Million Dollar Block?”
It takes $500,000 to incarcerate someone in Rikers for a year. A “Million Dollar Block” is a single city block where the government spends more than one million dollars to incarcerate the people who live on these blocks. Certain neighborhoods like Bed-Stuy and Brownsville are more targeted than others.
The Imagining Project allows us, as a community, to take control and shift these million dollars for Rikers to millions for community development, generational wealth, and crime prevention.
This event is now closed. For more information, please email info@nuleadership.org .

12 Seasons: Tea Workshop
Join us for another session of wellness this Friday, Feb 23rd, in our partnered event series “12 Seasons” with host Asif YogiMedicineMan .
In this session, we'll be embarking on a flavorful journey experimenting with different herbs and sweeteners to uncover the tastes and remedies that resonate with our individual body and tea needs.
RSVP for our “Tea Workshop” and let's learn new ways to cherish our well-being, while exploring the healing power of tea in community. Reserve your spot below or by contacting Brittany@nuleadership.org to RSVP.