These reports and essays share critical perspectives and analysis about our efforts to achieve Human Justice.
Lohud Article Featuring CNHJH’s Co-Executive Director Chino Hardin and NuLegacy (2022)
Lets Finally Seize the Moment to End Gun Violence (2022)
The Promise of Cure Violence by the Center for NuLeadership (2016)
Eddie Ellis and the Struggle for Black Freedom by Orisanmi Burton (2014)
Seven Neighborhoods Report Revisited by the Center for NuLeadership (2013)
The Run-On Sentence Eddie Ellis On Life After Prison by Katti Gray (2013)
Reentry vs Resettlement by Eddie Ellis (2003)
An Open Letter to Our Friends on the Question of Language by Center for NuLeadership (2003)
The Non-Traditional Approach to Criminal and Social Justice, Resurrection Study Group (1997)